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UK is branded a 'climate criminal' over coal plans

"A global protest against UK plans to build new coal power plants is being launched today by campaigners from more than 40 developing countries accusing the government of being a "climate criminal"."


China's growth is no figleaf for the real source of CO2 emissions: the UK

"China is blamed for soaring carbon emissions and used as an excuse for the west to do nothing on climate change – when in fact we are exporting our emissions there"


A collapsing carbon market makes mega-pollution cheap

"Europe's system to edge up the cost of emissions and boost green energy has backfired. There isn't much time to rescue it"


Obama's tar sand trap

"The tar sands of Canada constitute a deadly threat to our planet. The US and Canada must agree not to develop them"


Nuclear power: 10-year-old Sellafield plant may be closed

"• £470m reprocessor has never performed properly • Shutdown would raise plutonium storage issue"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 496 to 500 out of 1050